Welcome to our contact area!
Do you want to become one of our sponsors?
For detailed information on the benefits of sponsorship, please visit
our page dedicated toSPONSOR. We are sure you will find valid reasons
and opportunities to promote your business via our radio.
Are you organizing an event or do you have an event project to propose?
For all event-related proposals, please head to our specific page
onEVENTS. We are always open to collaborations that can enrich us
our programming and engage our community.
Do you want to become a Radio Leon speaker?
If you have a desire to share your voice and ideas with our audience, we
we recommend taking a look at our pageCOLLABORATE WITH US.
You will find all the information necessary to submit your application and start a
new travel.
If you don't feel ready yet, but you want to grow and are considering the opportunity to
undertake a training course in the world of radio, visit our section
dedicated toTRAINING COURSES. Here you will find resources and programs
specifically designed to help you develop your skills.
Thank you for being here with us and for helping to make Radio Leon even more special.