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If you are here, it is because you know that the public's attention is gained through what
like it, and Radio Leon is the perfect vehicle to do it: it means you havea flair for business
and you know how important it is to get to thehearts of the public. That's why the
radio sponsorship is the ace in the hole what you were looking for!

Radio advertising on RADIO LEON

You know when you turn on the radio in the car or while you're cooking dinner? Well, you know that you are part of the 80% of Italians who love listening to the radio. Italians arefond of this means of communication, much more than they are of social media, which only 54% of the population like them. Not only are you reaching the ears of who counts in Lazio and Puglia, but you are also investing in a means of communication loved by 80% of Italians.

Some benefits you will discover in radio sponsorship are:

1.Massive and Local Coverage on Lazio and Puglia:Our radio station
reaches every corner of Lazio and Puglia thanks to its presence on DAB+. Self
you want to make your brand known in a massive and local way, you are in the right place.


2.Emotional involvement: Radio is intimate, it's personal. Listeners create
an emotional connection with the programmes, speakers and radio commercials. Yours
company can become part of those special moments in people's lives.


3.Low Costs, Maximum Impact: Radio sponsorship offers a
maximum impact at low costs. Your voice will be heard by thousands
potential customers without emptying your wallet.


4.Creative Flexibility: Radio offers a creative flexibility that few other mediums
they can offer. You can tell the story of your company, introduce new ones
products, events or special offers in an engaging and persuasive way.


5.Tax Deductions:And yes, you read that right. Invest in radio sponsorship
it can also bring you tax benefits. A winning move for your company above all
the fronts!


And now, what are you waiting for? Contact our sales manager to find out how
Your business can gain visibility across the airwaves. The opportunity is here, ready
to be cultured.

Don't waste time, your audience is waiting for you!



Michele Palermo
(+39) 340 4910622

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